Residential home builders, it’s time to consider a new way to frame. Wall panels from EdgeBuilder take traditional “stick built” framing to a faster and more reliable level. Built in a controlled environment and delivered preassembled to your jobsite, our walls panels are custom made to your exact specifications, so they are ready to install immediately. This leaves your builds with less exposure to the elements and helps you move from build to build in a more efficient way.
Whether Glenbrook Lumber designs your home for you, or you provide us with architectural drawings by others, our wall panel designers break your project into bundles of pre-framed wall panels. We then ship the bundles to site according to your framing sequence, with drawings that detail and match the numbers on the wall panels.
Our designers use specialized software that gives us a 3-D view of your home, with the ability to see HVAC runs, blocking needs, bearing for trusses, rough openings, and any other project specific framing considerations. Essentially, we try to make your build easier by putting the thought on the front end.
The results:
• Faster builds
• Less waste
• More time to move on to other projects
We can even do the basement. Our wood foundation division has been creating warm, dry lower levels for local homeowners for years.
Contact us to today for a wall panel quote on your next project! or 651-770-9071